100 Strangers Project - 55/100 / by Michael Pung

It is night time in the middle of Chinatown and I am with a friend looking for strangers to complete my project. I spot a man exiting a restaurant with his friend. He is wearing an oversized shirt which has money prints on the sleeves, a black-leather backpack, black spectacles and a blue bowler's hat - tilted to the right. A statement is made.

His name is Reine who flew from Stockholm with his friend to visit London to do some shopping. He tells me that he is a tailor for H&M and gives me his business card. They are looking for a place to eat, somewhere cheap yet tasty. They argue over the one they just exited. His friend asserts that this one looks good, but he replies saying that he prefers to go to a place where the locals eat. After the shoot, he asks us where to go and we make a few recommendations for places down the road.

Thanks for taking part in the project and hope you found a place to eat Reine!