100 Strangers Project - 86/100 /
Danny and Jo were waiting for a flight back home. As we sat at the terminal waiting for our flight, we discussed the importance of family to the joys of coming home. Danny recalled the time that they spent with their adopted daughter who was teaching English in Cambodia and Jo was passionate about spirituality. Both shared a fondness for friendship and for the anthropomorphising of inanimate stuffed animals.
100 Strangers Project - 85/100 /
Josh is a photographer (and model) who blends philosophy with photography. It’s not only the photographs he takes (which involve a lot of imagination), but also the thoughts and stories behind them that expose a vulnerability and openness in each project he undertakes. Each photo series is a vignette of the individual with whom he explores in the shoot. Concepts for a photoshoot can take a month’s worth of planning and this pays off in both the ideas that sprawl within the written essays as well as the vividness of each photograph.
Check him out on instagram @the.dr1fter.
100 Strangers Project - 84/100 /
After 6 months, it was Jolene’s final day in Australia. With a trip back to her home in Holland imminent, she spent time with her friend Oliver who was showing her the views around Kirribilli on a beautifully misty morning.
100 Strangers Project - 83/100 /
What do you value in life?
"I value health and love from my friends and family. When I think about it, it makes me feel good I guess. When I am loved by my friends, by my family you know... I guess when somebody really cares about you and they are genuinely happy when you're happy and they try to help you when you're sad. For me that's love."
Thank you for taking part in the project Carmen!
100 Strangers Project - 82/100 /
What life advice would you give to your unborn child?
"Take every opportunity that comes."
Thank you for taking part in the project Julia!
100 Strangers Project - 81/100 /
Vicki had just clocked off from work and was on her way to visit her friend who was in hospital. She works with youth.
Who do you value the most in your life?
"Family and friends are really important to me. I am also very passionate when it comes to social justice, equality and diversity and I hope that one day we can all work together to ensure that everyone gets equal opportunities in life - especially when it comes to accessing housing, health and education."
Thank you for taking part in the project Vicki!
100 Strangers Project - 80/100 /
I met Santiago whilst he was on his way to work, and he was quite happy to have his photo taken late in the afternoon.
He comes from Manizales, Colombia and has been in Sydney for four months. During that time, he has spent the time balancing his studies, work and enjoying life in Sydney.
"I don't have enough time because I have to work. I study during the day, after that I have to work at night. From 7 until 11. Usually on weekends I'm tired and I try to go outside and just look around Sydney. I have a lot of pictures."
He gives an insight into how life is like for people who have come here to live here for study purposes.
"Sydney is multicultural and crazy sometimes, I think because people from other countries have to study, work, study, work and sometimes it's tiring. But it's nice. I like Sydney, I have met a lot of people here, international people from all parts of the world."
What have you found challenging about moving to Sydney?
"Sometimes it's too busy, but it's not a challenge for me. I like travelling, I like to visit new places. I work yesterday, (but) I can do a lot of things. Maybe the English is a challenge, you can improve that."
Thank you for taking part in the project Santiago!